
The Centre for the Literatures of the Roman Empire brought together researchers and students working on literary production and consumption across the Roman Empire, from the 2nd century BC when its expansion really began to take off to the start of its disintegration in the 4th century AD. Some staff members who work on texts from the later end of this period are also active members of the School’s Centre for Late Antique Studies. One of our goals was to foster cross-fertilisation between the two research areas.

Our aims were:

  • To support the study of Greek and Latin literature and literary culture across the period
  • To break down boundaries between chronological and linguistic specialisms and to promote cross-fertilisations between researchers and students working in different areas within this broad field
  • To stimulate the development of new approaches and methodologies to the study of texts, authors, literary communities and literary culture
  • To facilitate dialogue between literary studies within Classics and other disciplines, particularly within the University of St Andrews
  • To foster focused collaborations with colleagues and institutions in other Universities
  • To make our research accessible to the wider public

The Centre was based at the School of Classics. It was coordinated by a committee, with a director (Dr Alice König) and assistant director (Dr Nicolas Wiater).